Faye Karavasili

Faye Karavasili has been a criminal defense attorney since 2005. She lives in Austria where she is preparing to formulate a doctoral thesis on the subject of criminology. She is an essayist mainly on issues of human rights, law and criminal justice.
Sep 23, 2013
Greece’s criminal profile is one fitting to its Mediterranean temperament of boiling blood, twisted romance and redeemed honor. by Faye Karavasili As expected, Greece’s criminal profile is one fitting to its Mediterranean temperament of boiling blood, twisted romance and...
Jun 20, 2013
From Austria’s first serial killer, Hugo Schenk, to the internationally shocking case of Joseph Fritzl.        by Faye Karavasili Austria is widely known mostly for its flowing waltzes and tasty schnitzel. When one walks through its...