
February 19 2015, Brittni Brown
About  50 percent of the individuals sentenced to time in prison are there because of drug-related crimes. Most are not major players in the drug trafficking industry, but rather are users or...
February 5 2015, Francesca Spina
The Netflix produced television series, "Orange is the New Black," is a comedy-drama set in a women's prison in upstate New York. While the author finds it to be an entertaining show that touches on...
April 8 2013, Shawn Griffith
Since the “War on Drugs” was launched in the mid-1980s, accompanied by mandatory-minimum sentences for drug offenders, the U.S. prison population has exploded from under 900,000 to 2.3 million...
October 9 2009, J. J. Maloney
Devil's Island An essay on the history of the most famous and dreaded prison of all time.  Recommended reading for those who think a "get tough" policy on crime is a new idea, or that it...
February 6 2012, J. J. Maloney
Feb. 6, 2012 Missouri State Penitentiary J. J. Maloney, the founder of Crime Magazine, spent 13 years in prison for a murder he committed during an armed robbery when he was 19 years old....
January 14 2013, Shawn Griffith
Jan. 14, 2013 How do so many illegal drugs get smuggled into prisons all over the United States? The author spent 20 years in various Florida prisons and tells how. by Shawn R. Griffith There...

How To Deal With Prison Overcrowding

February 19 2015, 0 Comments
About  50 percent of the individuals sentenced to time in prison are there because of drug-related crimes. Most are not major players in the drug trafficking industry, but rather are users or...

“Orange is the New Black”: Examining the Life of a Female Inmate

February 5 2015, 0 Comments
The Netflix produced television series, "Orange is the New Black," is a comedy-drama set in a women's prison in upstate New York. While the author finds it to be an entertaining show that touches on...

The Battle of Alcatraz

December 2 2013, 0 Comments
The Battle of Alcatraz, a desperate attempt to break out of the most penal prison in the United States, raged for four days in 1946. The Marines had to be called in to quell the riot that resulted...
Oct 9, 2009
The true story of a young black man who was executed for murder and an old gangster who wasn't.  You decide who got the better of it. by J.J. Maloney When I got to work that evening, in 1967, the ward was empty except for old Tony, who hadn't spoken an intelligible...
Oct 3, 2009
James Earl Ray From the viewpoint of a man who served time with Ray in prison, then went on to become a journalist, and continued to follow the case, with some emphasis on Ray's mentality, how he escaped from prison, and why there is reason to believe white supremacists...
Apr 25, 2009
  Albert Bradford: a/k/a Malik Hakim The story of Albert Bradford, a talented and charismatic man who went to prison at the age of 17 with three life sentences for rape, transformed himself into an artist of note and a leader of men -- then committed his most heinous...
Apr 24, 2009
April 5, 2009 Mumia Abu-Jamal's 27 years on Death Row for a murder he did not commit would have turned almost anyone else into an embittered, defeated man. Instead, he has remained what he always was, "the voice of the voiceless," as he demonstrates yet again in his most...
