Funeral Home Director Pleads Guilty to Abusing Corpses - Toledo

Nov 10, 2015

An Ohio funeral home director admitted in Court yesterday to abusing about a dozen corpses at his Toledo facility in 2015. 

In lieu of serving prison time for those misdemeanors and felonies, Robert Tate promised to pay restitution to the families of his deceased victims, plus surrender his mortuary license.

The defendant additionally agreed he’d never again work in the lucrative funerary business, in any capacity.

Tate neglected to tend to bodies delivered to his funeral parlor in Lucas County earlier this year, until they to begin to pile up and even decay.

Relatives of one dead man inadvertently outed the gruesome situation this spring when they contacted authorities to investigate the mortician’s delays in performing crematory services.

Inspectors subsequently found eleven cadavers, including that of an infant, stored in various stages of decomposition at the Tate Funeral Home near Toledo Ohio.

None were properly embalmed for interment nor fully prepared for cremation, giving rise to multiple abuse-of-corpse charges against the facility’s owner and operator, Robert Tate.

It was later determined that Tate’s refrigeration units had been in need of costly repairs or replacement -- possibly for as long as five months before the disgusting state of his operation was finally uncovered in May.

Eponymous Rox


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