Help Crime Magazine Grow

Nov. 15, 2011


Dear Crime Magazine Reader:


Since the time Crime Magazine ( began in November of 1998, over four million readers have visited the site to read about the various facets of true crime – from serial killers to mass killers, from capital punishment to prisons to innocence cases, from celebrity crime, to foreign crime, to sex crimes to historical crimes.  We’ve written about assassinations and kidnappings, political corruption and organized crime, and about famous trials. We reviewed hundreds of new crime books and excerpted some of the best new crime books on the market.

From the outset, our goal has been to provide the definitive account of the subjects we cover.  Our articles are well-researched, fact-based, and evenhanded.  We are proud of our long association with writers such as J.J. Maloney, Alan May, Mel Aton, Ron Chepesiuk, Lona Manning, Don Fulsom, Doris Lane, Mark Pulham, Robert Walsh, Anthony Davis and Marilyn Z. Tomlins.  No Internet site specializing in true crime coverage has such accomplished writers at work for it. 

To offer you this high quality writing costs money.  Our efforts to make Crime Magazine self-supporting through advertising revenue have come up short and it is now time we turn to you, our loyal readers, and ask for your help to make Crime Magazine an even stronger venue for true crime reporting at its best. 

While Crime Magazine will continue to offer a wide range of free reader material, effective November 14, 2011, we are going to begin charging nominal sums for access to the full content of the site through PayPal with various subscription options.  

For readers who only want access to Crime Magazine a day at a time, the charge will be $1.99 a day.  For a three-month subscription, the charge is $9.99; for six months, $16.99; for one year, $29.99; for two years, $49.99; and for three years, $69.99.  These are special introductory rates that are subject to change in the future.  So act now to lock in these low rates.  

Your subscription will enable Crime Magazine to continue to offer you the best in true crime reporting and to expand its coverage in the process.  Thank you for your support.


-- Pat O’Connor, editor and publisher of Crime Magazine  

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